So far Moose has been a chill little fetus. Hasn't caused me (Ash) any morning sickness or made his presence felt to any degree, besides starting to make buttoning my pants a challenge. But I know this calm is temporary. After talking to friends with two little ones, I admit to feeling kind of terrified. Coping with one sometimes seems about all we can handle, especially on those days when we can barely drag ourselves through the accumulated mess enough to wash a few dishes. But hopefully we'll muddle through like all those parents did before us.
In the meantime, watching Ezra learn new stuff is a constant reminder at how fast time moves. 
Just last summer he was still a baby - and now he's this little boy who tells us what he wants and doesn't want, throws fits and goofs off. Every day he does or says something new that cracks us up. The latest is that he throws one of his cars on the floor and then says "Accident!" And, according to Gabe the other morning in the middle of uncontrollable crying, Ezra paused long enough to say, "I'm freaking out!" Now, I am skeptical as to whether he actually uttered the complete sentence. But I'll give my husband the benefit of the doubt because it makes me laugh.
It's been so long since we posted... it would be amazing if anyone other than our immediate family still checks this site. Grandma and PopPop Spitzer came to visit at the end of January and brought along the most INCREDIBLE wooden push-sled, handcrafted by PopPop. It is a thing of beauty and Ezra loves it. We had fun visiting the Skokie cousins (Cathy and Joe Gluck, and their kids, along with Emily Spitzer). And one afternoon, Ezra showed his grandparents the nature museum (I'm sure Grandma especially was thrilled with the cockroach exhibit!) and he finally got the hang of going down a slide on his own and then didn't want to stop.
This Friday Nonni and Mickey Gross arrive, so Ezra's getting a good dose of grandparental love. We're looking forward to some good visits to Ezra's favorite place, the "museum!" (This can be any museum, as long as there's a lot of space to run around in and some animals to look at.)
Ash, Gabe and Ez