Tuesday, June 16, 2009

North to the Future!

The citizens of Ezra Nation have spoken: This blog laziness must end! We here at HQ (and especially me, the dad), apologize for the lengthy absence. True, we found ourselves with some unaccustomed free time after the wedding, but we found it swiftly swallowed up by work duties, I'm afraid. At any rate, we now end the radio silence with this long-overdue dispatch.

Ezra has been a busy boy ... and unfortunately, his gastro-intestinal system has been ramping up its activity as well. Ez has been filling his diapers with extra enthusiasm for the last couple of weeks. I'll skip the blow-by-blow, but let's just say it's been a challenge to keep up. The doc says not to worry, and it seems to be tapering off at last. His health otherwise has been robust.

He's also picked up a few new hobbies. Chief among them: dismantling stuff. His favorite game these days is taking things out of containers and casually tossing them over his shoulder. This applies to his toy box, our recycling bin, finger food and any stack of mail or magazines within reach. We've made some attempts at showing him the joy of putting things back in containers, but this has not caught on. The child is like a little entropy machine. I suspect his paternal grandparents have some idea of where he gets it from.

Another fun game is a combination of hide-and-seek and peek-a-boo ... or as we call it, Hide-and-Peek. We'll be sitting in a room, and he'll crawl out the door, and hang a right down the hall. From the room, we'll call out: "Wheeeere's Ezra?" At which point he'll turn around and peek his head back through the door. "Theeeeeeere he is!" And he rewards us with one of his patented megawatt grins. It's so freakin' adorable. Then a few days ago he cooked up a variation, detailed in the video below (please excuse the annoying parental soundtrack). Indeed, that is actually Ezra opening and closing the door. Amazing: it's a new phase for us when the games we play are actually recognizable games, as opposed to what seems like haphazard, random flailing and gesticulating.
Meanwhile, Ash has taken it into her head that we need to share Ezra's undisputed cuteness with the world. She decided to enter a picture of Ezra into a baby photo contest. I went along with this until I discovered that the grand prize is a trip to New York to be on Good Morning America. I'm not sure I could stomach that (no offense to the GMA fans out there). So I was a little relieved, and only slightly indignant, when the deadline passed with no phone call from Diane Sawyer. Anyway, we're happy to share the photo with our blog-reading public instead -- see bath pose.

In less than two days, the whole fam will pack up and embark on an epic trip to Alaska. It's our honeymoon, with baby in tow. We're beside ourselves with excitement. Aside from seeing dear friends and revisiting beloved haunts, we're going to treat Ezra to his first night in a yurt. We'll also get in stays at a couple of B&Bs and a rustic cabin, and do plenty of hiking.

The trip is likely to prove a major logistical challenge, though. Thursday we'll be spending about 8 hours on planes and in airports ... and the return flight 10 days later is a red-eye. We've already seen that it can be hard on him when we tweak the routine a little, and now we're about to blow it to smithereens. We hope though that, even if he's way too young to remember the trip, he'll have a good time. And he'll certainly have some happy parents. In any case, we'll provide a full report.

Much love,
Gabe, Ash and Ez

Friday, June 5, 2009


Hi everyone!

Ezra here. Proud to say my  parents have finally taken the plunge, 9 1/2 months after I was born, and tied the knot. Not that they seemed to feel much shame about my out-of-wedlock status - check out the save-the-date card they sent to all the invitees (see left). But I think I can speak for them when I say we're all happy to now be one family in the eyes of the law (and the laws of Moses and Israel, for that matter). 

Sunday, May 24, 2009, was the big day in Santa Fe at the Randall Davey Audubon Center. The fun started with our walk down the aisle. First Uncle Josh and Aunt Lisa carried the chuppah, followed by "Godfather" John Bickar and Aunt Katy, then Dad and Grandma Cheri and Grandpa John (aka "the rebbe"), then cousins Carly and Jaden scattering rose petals... and then it was my turn! (Oh yeah, along with Mom and Grampy Mickey and Grammy Andi, who carried me). I decided to turn on my star power and show off my Princess Di wave, which, if I say so myself, left everyone in hysterics. 

Then it was lots of blah-blah about love and commitment and stuff. Copious Cheerios kept me occupied while I sat on Grandma Cheri's lap. And then... the moment everyone had waited for! I, the ringbearer, presented the rings (safety-pinned to me in a little pouch hand-crocheted by Cipora Katz, a Holocaust survivor Dad interviewed for a story). It was hard to resist the urge to rip the pouch off my clothes and put the rings in my mouth, but somehow I restrained myself. 
Other highlights of the day included bouncing around in an inflatable bouncy house the 
babysitter Jessica thoughtfully brought, being passed from relative to relative and friend to friend and stranger to stranger, watching Mom and Dad get lifted up on chairs during the hora, playing in the flowerbed and mucking up my white clothes, and falling asleep in Aunt Lisa's arms. All in all, it was a pretty magical day. And now - even though we're not quite sure this can be applied retroactively - I think we can all agree I deserve the title of "legitimate."