Welcome to Blasto Lives!
We find ourselves, somehow, with less than a month before the lad's expected arrival. Throughout the pregnancy, we've been struggling to imagine what life will be like when he is finally among us. We're dying of curiosity. Lately, we've been able to start visualizing him a bit better becuase we can actually feel which body part is which as he writhes around in Ash's belly. Ah, a foot! A shoulder! A tushie!
Oh, man ... I cannot WAIT to lay eyes on that tushie.
Anyway, we hope to keep folks apprised of his and our progress on this blog. It will be THE leading source for Spitzer-Gross baby-related news. All those other sites report merely rumors and hearsay. This is the real McCoy.
As for its title: many of you already know that Blasto is the moniker we've given our son-to-be. He will indeed have an actual name at some point ... watch this space for updates on that. We plan to publish an anagram soon before birth. Prizes will be given to the first unscrambler.
Much excitement and Love,
Gabe and Ashley