Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Know any good OBs along the Indiana Turnpike?

Tomorrow we depart on a 6-7 hour car ride to Canton for the Rebbe's retirement festivities. The day after, Ash will hit the 37-week mark, which is officially considered "term." We are not without a touch of anxiety embarking on a lengthy road trip when ready to bust at any second ...

OK, perhaps I hyperbolize a tad. Most first-time mothers go late, if anything. But of course lately it seems as if we've heard nothing but early-labor stories. I'm planning to research some hospitals on our driving route just to be prepared.

The beauty is that our excellent friends Mara and Nate Block will be filling out our car ... along with the lovely 4-month-old Mikaela! We intend to grill them on birth and babycare through Indiana and much of Ohio.

In any case, we're looking forward to seeing the fam and showing off Ash's rotundity. I have , however, asked her to ride with her legs crossed the entire way.

Much love,

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