Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Rollercoaster Continues...

Life on the homefront has been more challenging lately. Ezra starts crying just a few minutes into each breastfeeding, spitting up and drooling milk. This is particularly distressing to me, his Ma, because we had such a good thing going for a while there and now I'm worried yet again about whether he's getting enough to eat. But the handy-dandy infant scale that Gabe bought says he's packed on another 8 ounces since the doctor's visit and now is almost 9 lbs. So I guess I don't have to worry that much. But the crying is distressing and wears us all down.

I went to a La Leche League meeting today and met lots of other cool moms and got some tips on how to maybe solve the crying/feeding issue. We'll see if the tips work. I have to say that La Leche League is an amazing organization. The leaders even have their phone numbers on the web - I called one of them in semi-desperation one Saturday night for help, and she was really sweet and helpful. Gabe still insists on calling them "man-hating milk zealots," but he's starting to concede maybe that label doesn't quite fit, even though it's funny to say.

Still, when Ezra's not crying, he's the most charming baby on the face of the planet. And he's developed amazing head control! He can almost prop himself up on his front arms and hold his head up like a little turtle, looking around, surveying the scene. And he's just started looking us in the eye AND smiling at the same time, which of course melts our hearts.

I promise we'll make a video of all of these latest skills one of these days soon. But in the meantime, I'm posting a couple more pics to keep the Ezra James fan club happy! He sends his regards.

Ashley, Gabe and Ezra


K said...

Even cuter in person! Glad you had a nice meet-up at a LLL meeting. Very cool set of ladies, even if they do all hate men. :D

The Chlorine Junkie said...
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The Chlorine Junkie said...

Hey Spitzer/Gross Fam!
Wow, he's gotten so big (and so cute!) Can't wait for that video!