The successful flight home followed a glorious weekend with a few rough patches thrown in. The wedding we attended (two friends of mine -- that is, Gabe's -- from college) was lovely. It was
It was great fun showing off the kiddo to all my old friends. He was a huge hit with the ladies, especially -- that's the bride's thumb he's holding in that pic.
The bride and groom sprung for babysitters for the rehearsal dinner, the ceremony, the reception -- basically everything. The sitter the first night was all of 14 years old. Not that she wasn't perfectly bright, but we wondered how much experience she had with a 2-month old. However, we strapped the bewildered 9th-grader into the Weego and fastened Ezra to her. We figured that, short of walking into a wall, there wasn't much she could do to hurt him. She did just fine, but the baby, um, did not. He got pretty pissed off almost every time we left him (we checked on him every half-hour or so). This trend continued the next day, when the babysitter (a geriatric gal who we were pretty sure has held an infant or two in her day) seemed a tad unhinged by Ezra's robust vocalizations. To be fair, Ez had been having a great week, but turned sort of sour friday afternoon. So it might not have been the best days to test out the babysitter routine.
When we were with him, though, he was a prince. Even though it probably bodes ill that he's not happy unless mom or dad is holding him, it feels gratifying to be able to pick him up and see him calm down. For weeks, it seemed like we had no power to console him at all. Now, at least, it feels like we can soothe him when we need to. Most of the time.
In other developmental news, all the trendlines are moving in the right direction in terms of head control, eye contact and smiliness. One new addition: gurgling. And the occasional spit bubble. I remember being really fascinated by spit and its many propoerties when I was a very little kid. I look forward to Ezra becoming a student of saliva in his own right.
This week has produced many, many adorable photos -- too many to post here. So we may put together another photo album and update the slideshow at the bottom of this page.
And lastly ... today's Poop Report: Like a firecracker in a can of spinach.
Much love,
Gabe, Ash and Ez
1 comment:
BABY BUTT!!! hee Just want to gobble him up. So awesome the milestones he's hitting. bbbb-but:
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