Happy 3 month birthday to Ezra! We've got a lot to report. (That's what happens when you slack off for almost two weeks. That's like two years in baby time.)
Last Saturday, Oct. 26th, will be seared forever in Mommy's consciousness. Ezra not only laughed for the first time, he also rolled over! First, the laugh - he let out a few forceful ha's when I (Mom) held him tight and bounced up and down with my knees. It's a trick I'd learned the previous day at a play group. Such a sweet sound! I immediately ran into the bedroom and woke Gabe up so he could listen. Aristotle apparently said a baby doesn't have a soul until he or she laughs for the first time. Well, we obviously believe Ezra was born with plenty of soul. But there is something amazingly magical about a baby's laugh.

Then, the rollover... Ezra was busy doing tummy time under his jungle gym when he started listing to the side, holding up his legs and straining his neck skyward. Next thing I knew, he was flat on his back, looking up pretty bewildered! That was a gigantic thrill, but he has not repeated it since. I don't think he even realizes what he did.
Other than that, we have been battling the cold virus chez Rancho Spitzero/Casa Grossa. Poor Gabe and Ezra have had runny noses and low energy. Thankfully, I don't have to use a suction bulb to clean out Gabe's nose... not so for Ezra, unfortunately. But hopefully they're both on the mend by now - just in time for election night coverage, which Gabe will be hosting for Chicago Public Radio into the wee hours Tuesday night.
We also visited our new neighbors - Denise Gelb and Josh Herman! We're so happy they've moved to our 'hood. We even put on a diaper changing seminar for Josh. He showed his appreciation by covering his nose and quickly exiting the room. Denise's tolerance for baby poo was a bit higher, and she gladly held a sleeping Ezra.

And as for Halloween - Ezra went as a bat. At least, he went as a bat for about 5 minutes in our dining room, long enough for a quick photo shoot. He wasn't up for trick or treating, and we decided we were too embarrassed to go beg for candy that we obviously would be eating instead of him. Well, maybe next year we can enlist Grammy Andi to whip up one of her signature Halloween costumes!

By the way, here's a picture of Ez wearing one of the five sweaters she's knit for him. At least the kid won't be cold in the Chicago winter - He also has a gorgeous, cozy green and blue blankie Grandma Cheri crocheted for him. The kid is much loved.
Ash, Gabe and Ez
LOVE the costume, the sweater, oh heck--Ezra too! hee
He is indeed a soulful delight.
ok- seriously too cute on all fronts! Congrats on the laughter and rolling-great milestones. See you both tomorrow!
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