Other than that, we've been settling into post-wedding, post-honeymoon "regular life." The biggest excitement around here these days is observing the almost daily changes the little guy is going through. He babbles nonstop, even in pseudo conversation, responding to our queries. "Oh, did you go to the playground with Najiba today?" "Boo, bah, bah, boo, blah!" "No kidding! And then did you have some yogurt for lunch?" "Ah, goo guh guh blah." "Great!" And on and on till we get bored and turn on the radio.

His top two teeth are almost in. And he is soooooo proud of them! He's picked up a new, kind of unpleasant habit of grinding them against his bottom teeth. He also loves feeling our teeth and then his own. It's fascinating to observe him make the connection that he has the same parts as the rest of us and start to discover what everything's for. He loves biting Cheerios in half these days, as well as chomping off bits of thinly peeled carrot. And although he hasn't taken any steps yet, it's not too far off - he's getting way better at standing without holding onto anything and is cruising around tables and couches (not to mention climbing up couches and onto windowsills! Luckily we finally got around to tying up the windowshade cords.)
In just two weeks he'll turn 1! It's so hard to believe. It's bizarre to think back to last year at this time, when we had no idea who the little being in my tummy was - what he'd look like, what his personality would be. And now we have this third member of our family with very clearcut likes and dislikes, a curious, happy (if sometimes pretty needy) little boy, very purposeful and singleminded, but also goofy and full of smiles. Gabe says he'd sometimes like to freeze time and keep him the way he is now, but I feel more excited than sad about the changes. I can't wait to hear him start to talk more and have real conversations... it's all coming soon enough, I guess!
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