Thursday, October 1, 2009

What Doesn't Kill Ya...

Mom here. The weather has turned, and the germs are out in full force. I came down with what we were all convinced was swine flu - necessitating face mask, copious amounts of Purell and an ever-present hanky. Turns out it was a false alarm - just a run-of-the-mill cruddy old cold. Good thing, because all our efforts to prevent Ezra from getting infected seem to have been for naught. He's sneezing like crazy. Each time he does, he follows it up with a theatrical, "Ah-chooo!" And sometimes a fake little "cough-cough" for good measure.

The yucky weather has one upside. We finally get to bust out the sweaters that his Grandma Andi (aka Noni) has knitted for him over the past year, and now they fit him!

Ash, Gabe & Ez


The Chlorine Junkie said...

you mean I could have spent the afternoon with Ezra and I DID NOT?!!??!?!?!!?!?

I better see you guys Sunday.
Or Else.
(it's Sunday, right?)

Hope everyone's feeling better

K said...

aw, dang. Hope you're on the turn to better! How did Ezra deal with you in a mask??
LOVE the sweaters.

Unknown said...

It does my heart proud to see him in his sweaters...and such a handsome model he is!
