Before the calendars flipped, we spent a good part of December in Santa Fe with Team Gross. Ash went out (bravely) with Ezra, and then I followed several days later. When I arrived, I learned that Andi had gone the previous night to the emergency room. Culprit: kidney. Evidently she had a major rock up in there that was causing her all kinds of pain. It sounds awful. The sonic raygun machine that takes on k
idney stones was, apparently, in use somewhere else, and would not be available for a full week. So Andi bravely collected her wits and prepared to endure the agony. Several days later she was back in the hospital, with pain she described as "worse than childbirth." To make the long, slightly gruesome story just a little shorter, she wound up having a minimally invasive surgical procedure done on Monday (instead of Thursday), and was home and smiling that very night.
The morning that Andi was to have the operation, Ash, Ezra and I were at the urgent care. Ezra, you see, had spiked a fever the night before of 103.2 -- his highest to date. The doc basically looked him over and told us to wait it out. That night, it peaked out at 103.8, and we were just on the edge of taking him to the ER. We put him to bed, and he seemed to be doing OK. Then he awoke, was burning up. and tossed his cookies on Ashley's fleece jacket. That was enough -- off to the ER we went.
The ER was a pretty unpleasant experience. We waited about an hour in the waiting room, then triage, then another hour. It was late. Ezra was wide awake by now, and actually seemed to be perversely enjoying himself. We, on the other hand, were ragged. Finally we saw the doc -- and it turned out to be the same doc who saw Andi days before! Small town.
He was also a perfectly charming guy, with twin boys Ezra's age, and he set us more or less at ease. He basically told us the same thing: probably a viral infection, nothing to be done, just hang in there. The ER was another learning experience for us -- one we'd prefer not to repeat.
The fever finally broke after about 4 days, and along with it came that final missing clue of his diagnosis. He broke out in a lacy pink rash over his face and torso: Roseola. It had been going around among some of our Chicago friends in the previous weeks. All in all, it was mildly miserable, but he came out of it OK. As in past illnesses, he was actually not too ill-tempered most of the time. He'd crack easily, but he'd spring back quickly, too.
In the mean time, we managed to give and receive some fantastic presents (Ezra's
train/truck/heavy equipment collection has grown substantially). He also delighted in all the attention from his grandparents and aunts. Even now, more than a week later, he's still asking for them.
We also, on a day when his fever was gone, dressed him up in his snowsuit for his first full-fledged romp in the snow. He adored this for about 12 minutes. If only we'd quit then. Instead, we pushed it an extra couple of minutes, which led to a small atomic freakout. When will we learn to quit while we're ahead?
We also, on a day when his fever was gone, dressed him up in his snowsuit for his first full-fledged romp in the snow. He adored this for about 12 minutes. If only we'd quit then. Instead, we pushed it an extra couple of minutes, which led to a small atomic freakout. When will we learn to quit while we're ahead?
Temperamentally, Ezra is testing the waters of the terrible twos. It is a time of great contradictions: he's unbearably charming, hilarious and whip-smart. But his "frustration trigger" is exquisitely sensitive. Whether it's taking away a "toy" (like, say, a Sharpie marker) or, you know, letting his mother walk out the door for work, his head pretty much explodes. luckily, he has not yet learned to throw things or wreck stuff. I think we're in for some epic tantrums. I've thrown a few in my day, and this kid has all the makings of a tantrum prodigy. 
Anyway, we'll update on more language and skill progress in a future post. Meanwhile, we're once again grateful and humbled to enter another New Year with such a rich and entertaining family. We wish all of you the warmest, happiest New Year possible.
All best,
Gabe, Ash and Ez
1 comment:
Here's to a year filled with good friends, good times, high health, more sleep, and fewer head-splosions-of-fury.
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