Anyway, I'll spare you more sap. Suffice to say we have a lot to be grateful for. Over the weekend Nonnie and Mickey visited and we all had great fun -- this despite Ezra being diagnosed with a double ear infection. His first! He's been characteristically joyful even though he's sick -- his fuse is just a little shorter than usual. 
But he was pretty thrilled to have his grandparents around. We all went to the botanical gardens and saw model trains, and we brunched with our senior citizen friends Alex and Marion. The two of them, in their 90s and 80s respectively, kept up with Ezra remarkably well.
But he was pretty thrilled to have his grandparents around. We all went to the botanical gardens and saw model trains, and we brunched with our senior citizen friends Alex and Marion. The two of them, in their 90s and 80s respectively, kept up with Ezra remarkably well.
The weekend before that Ashley, Ezra and I took a little road trip to Starved Rock State Park. Entering that place is a little like leaving the Midwest and walking into Yosemite. Well, a tiny, puny Yosemite short on mountains and long on highway noise ... but with just enough grandeur to feel otherworldy. It's a glacial anomaly, full of sandstone gorges and lovely waterfalls. Anyway, we hiked all afternoon, which had exactly the desired effect on Ezra. I carried him in a backpack, so his mouth was about 3 inches from my ear, and he narrated the entire day with great gusto. "Tree! Green tree! Doggie! Waterfall! Dirt!"
He marveled at the inexhaustible supply of sticks and rocks, and seemed to really take to the outdoors. Not that it's surprising that a little boy should think the woods are cool, but it was gratifying to start instilling in him that reverence for the natural world.
And finally, we've been into a real Chicago heat spell, and as you can see in this video, we've drifted toward a clothing-option mode here. Also note both the new talent Ezra has developed, and the fraternal spirit with which he applies it.
This weekend Ezra's other grandparents will visit, and have kindly volunteered to hold down the fort while Ash and I split town for a couple of days, to celebrate our anniversary. It's wild to think that at our second anniversary, we'll be a family of four. I'm certain there are lots more best moments to come.
Much love,
Gabe, Ash and Ez
This post made me cry
What a beautiful post. I'm sitting with tears in my eyes, amazed and smiling at the same time, at the joy of your anniversary, the joy of Ezra and his new brother to be, Ashley's laughter and Gabe's loving words, and the joy and the little boy I see in Grandpa Mickey when he's with you all. Thank you for sharing the beauty.
That was so touching...and what a great ending :)
You are such a happy family!
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