You might think from the title of this blog entry, that I (Ash) am just going to wax poetic about our second son. That's partially right. But what I really want to talk about is poop. (Ed. - if you're squeamish, you may want to skip the next two paragraphs.)
We're pretty much immersed in the stuff.
Then I upped the ante at home and switched to cloth diapers. Gabe is playing along so far, while holding his nose, literally. We set up a spray bidet nozzle on our toilet to spray Oliver's excretions off the cloth diapers and into the toilet. This task is - surprise! - something of a drag. We decided we'll keep up the cloth experiment till he starts solid foods and his poops get to be more like Ezra's - pretty gnarly and not something you'd want to spend minutes spraying into the toilet. Although, speaking of Ezra's poops, we're having to come into more contact with those now, too, since we introduced a potty chair. His one and only time pooping on the potty so far actually started on the floor of Oliver's room. Awesome.
In other news... Aunt Lisa came to visit and provided non-stop Ezra care.
It's all very charming, except... in the past couple of days, he has unleashed Demon-Ezra. Full-blown tantrums with tears and shrieks that occur multiple times AN HOUR. Gabe just looked at me shellshocked tonight and said, So I guess this is just how our lives are going to be, huh? We're not sure if it's him acting out because of Oliver being here, or just a rite of passage in turning 2, or that he's truly had a psychotic break. But we're scrambling to order some books on discipline.
Luckily, Oliver is as sweet as can be.
Ash, Gabe, Ezra and Oliver
1 comment:
so cute!
We've been dealing with the same tantrums for a few months now. They have petered off a bit thank goodness.
Sounds like you're on the way to one less diapered bum in the house! Good luck!!
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