So many times I've wanted to sit down and write lately because Oliver is changing almost by the nanosecond, and I don't want to forget what he's like right now. He's learning words so fast that if we don't stop now to write his baby-isms down, they'll just be gone like "sand through an hourglass." (Ha ha, anyone else ever waste time watching Days of Our Lives? I did, during high school summer vacation.)
For example, just a couple of weeks ago I jotted down that he was saying "buh-WAH-nuh" for banana. But now he enunciates it perfectly. Ba-NA-na. He still says wa-guh for water and ba-ba for blanket. Also muh-muh for breastmilk. A common refrain from him: "I WANT MUH-MUH! I WANT MUH-MUH!" Weaning that kid is not going to be easy. I weaned Ezra before he knew how to ask for it. It's so much harder now that Ollie can express exactly what he wants!
And here's the absolute best - the acme, pinnacle, zenith of cuteness. Ollie just learned to say, "I love you" unprompted. It sounds like "I wuv you." And he goes around saying, "I wuv you, Mommy. I wuv you, Daddy. I wuv you, Ez-wuh."
Ezra also cracks us up. (When he's not bringing us almost to tears because of some terrible fight we're having over
Ezra: "Do you know about the guy who didn't have any syrup? He just ate chickens!" (hysterical laughter - at least, from the joke teller) (Where does the kid get this material?)
And here's one that probably would find a more receptive audience... at PopPop and Grandma Spitzer's house over Thanksgiving, we had a nice Shabbos dinner with tablecloth, nice plates, etc. Gabe says something about us having a fancy dinner. Ezra retorts, "We're not fancy, we're Jewish!" Big laughs ensue.
We had a pretty rotten January, honestly. Oliver got a stomach bug that lasted a week, and managed to combine it with a cold/cough/fever that developed into an ear infection. I wound up taking him to the ER at 1 am one night, worried that he was dehydrated from diarrhea and throwing up. He was borderline, but that's when they found
Took Ezra to see his very first movie on the big screen today - Beauty & the Beast 3D. ("I'm just going to sit in your lap and close my eyes for the scary parts, okay, Mommy?" "Sure, Ezra.") Turns out he only had to close his eyes for one part in the beginning and then realized it wasn't as scary as he thought. He was absolutely transfixed. Especially enjoyed the buttered popcorn and also climbing into the race car video games in the arcade afterward.
We just had lovely visits from Grandma & PopPop and then from Lisa.
Anyway, that's it for now... I am posting quite a few great pics that Katy took. How nice to have our own professional photographer in the family who does free shoots for us!
Ash, Gabe, Ezra & Oliver
The syrup and chicken joke still lives with our kids, just so you know.
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