We celebrated his half-birthday with a grand excursion. We traveled up to Wisconsin to visit an old, dear friend of Ashley's and his phenomenal family. Pat and Sarah have two little boys: David (3) and Arthur (5). They are sweetness personified. And, they were really into Ezra. It's amazing to watch an adorable 3-year old look at your 6-month-old and say, "Ezwa's weawy cute!" That statement itself is a new category of cute. We had great fun eating, playing and Wii-ing.
Saturday Ash and I took Ezra out for his first cross-country ski, strapped to Daddy's back. He seemed to enjoy it thoroughly for a while, and then passed out. We had a great old time gliding around the woods. We had so much fun that we stopped in Madison on the way home today and skied some more.
In other news, we continue to make halting progress on sleep. On the positive side, putting him down at night has gotten so, so much easier. It is a blessing. And, he's finally starting to take naps at his nanny's, which is a huge relief. Babies are supposed to nap 3 - 3.5 hours a day. Most days at Najiba's, he wasn't napping at all, or maybe just a half-hour. That seems to be improving. On the not-so-positive side, we've had some difficult night wakings lately, and we're not seeing the kind of improvement there that we'd like. We're still slightly on-edge about the whole thing. But on the whole, it feels like progress.
We've also had some success with the rice cereal. Ezra is learning to swallow, and his, um, leavings have begun to reflect that. We haven't had him weighed in a while, but it feels like he's filling out.

Last weekend we spent a wonderful afternoon with the
Skokie cousins. Somehow, Ezra had not seen Cathy and Joe since his bris. We were pleased to imprint him with some more positive images of his cousins.
Oh, and Ezra watched part of his first Super Bowl tonight. I chose to flout the

Gobs of love,
Gabe, Ash and Ez
He looks bigger than he did a couple of weeks ago. He is so cute and smiley! Hope to see you guys on the 22nd if you are ready to trek to OP.
next year, his own skis!!
What fun!
Happy half birthday Ezra!
PS-Ashley and Gabe, I don't think you should let Ez around those Skokie cousins, they look dangerous...
Love from, Ya'el
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