Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mom, Enough with the Mococo Already

So long, "mococo." Now it's "moh-cycle." "Bihduh" is gone, replaced by "what's that?" My favorite, "dam mamas," has morphed into "pajamas." Sigh. And what's this? I (Ash) go away for one weekend and come back to find that a train engine is by no means a "locomomo" but a "locomotive" instead.

But, these linguistic leaps have an upside, too. Now Ezra says "I love you" completely spontaneously! Here's a recent conversation (I'm relaying secondhand) between Ezra and Gabe. Gabe's rocking Ezra before putting him down to sleep.

Gabe: "I love you, Ezra."
Ezra: "Soooooo much!"
Gabe: "Yes, so much!"
Ezra: "I love you."
Gabe: "Aw, I love you, Ezra."
Ezra: "I love Mommy."

I wish I had a recording of that conversation so I could play it over and over and over again.

He's also starting to learn the fine art of phone conversation. I was in the bathroom the other day when I overheard him saying, "Hahr you? I'm fine." I came out to discover him holding the computer mouse to his ear, having an imaginary conversation. Now he picks up any gadget with buttons on it (tonight it was a lock hanging from a neighbor's gate) and says, "Hahr you? I'm fine."

As I mentioned, Gabe took on 24/7 child care duty this past weekend so I could go to Toronto to visit my friends Yoko and Evan. It was my first time away from Ezra longer than one night. It was pretty awesome. Slept in till 9 am two days in a row, ate leisurely meals out, wandered around the city, saw a movie, hung out in a coffee shop reading (something I don't think I've done once since Ezra was born!) and got to catch up with good friends. Thanks, Gabe. It was a wonderful little pre-baby #2 break. I worried Ezra would have a hard time, but other than one early morning slight freak-out, apparently he was happy as could be. Ezra would look at Gabe quizzically and say, "Mommy's here? Mommy's here?" and Gabe would say, "Mommy's on vacation. She'll be back soon." So pretty soon Ezra would just say, "Mommy vacation. Back soon."

Anyway, I'm including some recent pictures, including some beautiful ones Katy took when she was visiting here in March.

Ash (and Gabe and Ezra)


Lisa Gross said...

I'm fine, hahr you?
I miss Ezra!! He looks so grown up. Can't wait to see you all again!

Juliana said...

I cannot believe how big and beautiful Ezra is. He looks like a little man now! Love the photos!

K said...

LOVE the love-you's :)
and Ezra is FLYING. super cool photo!

santafewooldridges said...

Happy Anniversary you two! Just checked my calendar and almost missed it! Hope you had a beautiful day!