Parenthood continues apace here at Rancho Spitzero/Casa Gross. Auntie Katy has joined us, and is proving to be an invaluable member of the team. Not only do she and Ezra get along famously, but Katy actually volunteers to change diapers. And do dishes.
Ezra is swiftly gaining weight. At last measure, the kid is almost up to 7 lbs. That is quite a clip: we are optimistic that he will be a regular porker before long. This has us wondering exactly where the line between "healthy weight gain" and "at risk of childhood obesity" is drawn. At this rate, by the time he is 10 years old, I calculate that he will weigh approximately 350 lbs. We will love him anyway ... and will widen doorways accordingly.
His weight gain is doubly astonishing considering the volume of material that passes out of him into his diapers daily (as well as on his changing table, his bassinet mattress, and periodically, his parents bed sheets). It's amazing how quickly one becomes inured to grossness.
All else is well here. We're settling into the routine with me going to work, and his sleeping hasn't improved much. We are starting to see what we believe are practice smiles, and he's getting calmer during most of his waking hours.
One other benefit to having Katy around: she is a first-rate photographer. We're posting a few examples here. Also, we've finally updated teh slideshow at the bottom of the blog page. Lots of new pics -- dig it!
Much love,
Gabe, Ash and Ez (and Katy)
1 comment:
i keep trying to leave comments but this thing wants some kind of identity, and apparently doesn't like mine. I'll try again...but feel like i'm in the witness protection program and so, not "identifiable."
you guys look and sound great. I can't wait to meet Ez, so why don't you extend one of those excursions and head North? you only have to go as far as Sitka...if that's any consolation.
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