Hello all! Sorry it's been a while. It's not so easy to post religiously now that I'm back at work. Ash is saving up some choice pics and stunning, poetic verbal musings for a post soon (perhaps tomorrow). But in the meantime, I'll pick up the slack.
Our latest baby innovation is the sling. Ash has been most anxious to get our babywearing on (hear her story on it here). Ezra has been just a little slow to warm to this practice, but in the past few days he's made much progress. Today we slung him and went on our grandest excursion yet (at least, our most ambitious without the car). We walked to an adjacent neighborhood called Andersonville, the Swedish-lesbian-yuppie-boutique capital of Chicago (though not necessarily in that order). We walked about 2 miles, ate falafel, then ice cream cones, rented a video, and returned home. It was pretty wild.
We have, I must confess, been gratified by the attention Ezra gets out on the street. He is, I'm sure you will agree, a looker. And I think people aren't used to seeing a kiddo so small out and about, at least one who's not confined in a stroller. He -- and by extension, we -- receive many coos, awwws, clucks and squeals of delight. Not being used to this in my daily life, I find it most satisfying.
All else is well here. I'm taking a 3-day weekend, as Monday is Ash's birthday. Also Monday, Auntie Katy will meet her nephew. Ezra is beside himself with excitement.
More to come!
Gabe, Ash and Ez
1 comment:
Darrell looked at this and said "My respect for Gabe just sky rocketed!"
He's been soooo tempted to do this with our cats, but doesn't want to risk his eyes.
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