Ah, we've been so delinquent about our posting! A thousand apologies -- Ezra says it's Daddy's fault.
Auntie Katy boarded her plane on Sunday, leaving us all alone once again. Ash and I tried briefly to negotiate keeping her on as full-time au pair, but as we could offer little more than space on a futon and the occasional waffle as compensation, she wisely chose to pursue other opportunities.
We upped the ante in terms of our outings this weekend: the four of us visited the Shedd Aquarium on Saturday. The moment we arrived, Ezra celebrated by letting out an exuberant poop. It demanded immediate attention. So we changed him on top of a suitcase in the parking garage. We consider this another notch in our urban parenting belt.
That concluded, we thoroughly enjoyed the aquarium. Highlights included underwater viewing of a pair of dolphins at play, and other fascinating stuff. Ezra was amazingly well-behaved, save a minor meltdown on the way home.
Otherwise, we've just been busy with the mundane but sublime routines of parenting a newborn. One wonderful discovery is that he responds really well to singing. We've been running through our Simon & Garfunkel, Cat Stevens, Beatles and James Taylor medleys. Ash and Katy also chose to subject him to a healthy dose of Abba, despite my protests. I hate to say it, but he seemed to like it. This could be trouble.
We could actually use some help on this score: what other songs should we sing to the kiddo? Got any favorites from your childhood? Please post suggestions on the comment space below, or send them to blastolives@gmail.com.
That's all for now ... but not for long!
Very much love,
Gabe, Ash and Ez
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