It was with some dread we approached this second ablution, considering what an ordeal the first one was (see "Bath Time!" for a reminder). We attacked it a bit differently this time: instead of holding him and dabbing him with the washcloth, Ash just filled up the tub and took him in there with her. My my, what a difference it made. Ezra didn't make a peep, and seemed to actually enjoy "floating" (in his mama's arms) in the water. Wringing out the washcloth and sprinkling him with warm water produced much delight.
Now he's fresh and clean and all bundled up in the awesome hooded towel that cousin Lynnie bought for us. You could practically eat off that kid.
Otherwise, we've had a pretty nice weekend. We've had some feeding issues that have cropped up: Ez seems to go for the breast with great abandon, only to spit it out and wail a few minutes later. It's pretty frustrating, but his weight and his poops tell us he's getting plenty of nutrition. In fact, he's finally outgrown preemie diapers, and moved up to ... newborn size! A triumph!
Incidentally, we went back and watched some of the video from Ezra's first hours of life. It brought back so much emotion for both of us. And it was stunning to see how much he's changed in just one month on earth. What an astonishing turn of events our lives have taken. We are awed and humbled.
All else is well. We went on what we hope will be our last major shopping spree, and bought a breast pump, stroller (for when he's a bit bigger), and some other odds and ends. We have developed a real love-hate relationship with Babies R Us. It's sort of fun to go there and frolic around all the gear and see all the parents and kids. On the other hand, they're such craven capitalists, trying to push all sorts of needless crap on us. And I'm pretty sure you have to be a half-wit to work there. Seriously, they must check a box on their applications.
One program note, as we say in radio: I'm adding a few blog links here for your enjoyment.
Well, we're off. Daddy has to work at 6am tomorrow, so better head bedward.
Much love,
Gabe Ash and Ez
We totally agree about BRU. What fools.
So glad that Ez has discovered the joy of water!
I go online planning to get some work done and the next thing I know I'm checking your blog and totally engrossed (pardon the pun) in the beautiful photos and stories of Ezra! You've reminded me of how we delighted in watching Sara change seemingly from day to day ~ it's such an amazing time ~ enjoy! He's a delight!
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