Please welcome to the world of humanity, Ezra James Spitzer. He arrived at 3:45am, after a superhuman effort by his mother to deliver him with absolutely no drugs, inductions or painkillers. It was a thing to behold. Ash rode out intense contractions every 2-3 minutes for about 13 hours, before pushing that kiddo out. I knew she had some extraordinary reserves of strength in there, but this amazed even me. I have never been prouder.
Ezra is a stunning presence -- really beautiful for a newborn especially! I regret that I have no pics to post just yet -- we have the cameras, but we neglected to bring our USB cables ... and of course they do not provide a card reader here. We will rectify that post haste. Meanwhile, I may post a short video in the interim.
For now, visual description will suffice: Ezra is tiny: just 5 lbs 4 oz. This came as a bit of a surprise, since after last week's ultrasound we were told he was already 6.5 lbs. Being little, we're having to monitor a few things (like blood sugar) very closely, and there's more pressure to get feeding figured out sooner. But beyond that, he is healthy as a horse and we are told there's no reason to worry.
He has a healthy shock of dark brown hair, a sublime little button nose and striking almond eyes. He's been pretty calm so far -- we'll see how long that lasts.
We've all been up more-or-less non-stop for about 32 hours now, so we're trying to stagger some naps. I promise to return with pics or video very, very soon. Thanks to all for your well wishes.
Very much love,
Friday, August 1, 2008
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hugs and congrats! Here's a toast from Darrell and I. He'll catch that weight up in no time, if I give him pie :)
Get sleep when the baby sleeps. Do other stuff later. Grace was tiny too. Ezra will catch up really fast, you won't believe it. Congratulations you two. (:
Congratulations to all three! I just returned from Martha's Vineyard and googled your blog.Very few have babies these days the way both you and I did: au naturel. I'll give you some time to get used to your new life and then stop by to see Ezra.
All best, Maggie
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